Thank you for everything you have done for us!!! You have got us through a lot of ups and downs !! You are an amazing person and I can't thank you enough :) --Kelly (April 27, 2014)
Before Lynn I was getting in trouble every hour in second grade now looking back as a 4th grader. I thought I was crazy back then but Lynn helped me through second grade and her techniques helped my behavior in not just 3rd but 4th grade also. --10 year old boy (April 27, 2014)
Going through my divorce brought more than just a loss of a relationship; it was also loss of financial security, companionship, personal time, sleep, appetite, extended family… I felt like I was in an uncontrollable tornado of circumstance and emotion. Lynn helped me process my emotions, set realistic goals, helped me focus on what I do have control over in my life; find peace and joy. Her forward focus helped pull me out of my depression and anger and I have been able to find a measure of closure in those relationships I’d lost. I’ve been to counselors who were happy to just listen for an hour and keep you coming back for a year. Lynn is different. Her goal wasn’t a paycheck – but my actual lasting well being. She gave me tools to take home with me; ways to be self-sufficient in my emotional health. I’m so thankful because the skills she gave me not only helped me through this – but has helped me be a better parent to my children. --Emily K (April 25, 2014)
My husband and I went to Lynn - our third and last attempt at joint counseling. She was the only therapist whom neither of us felt 'took sides'. She was able to stay objective and showed great respect for how we each felt. She has a way of helping navigate a situation where we both felt validated. In this regard, not feeling defensive, we were able to open up more to try to understand the others perspective. She renewed the sense of 'team' in our marriage and gave us skills to use to deescalate a situation so we could have greater success back at home. We, and our children, are grateful for her help. --A Couple (April 25, 2014)
Dealing with Disassociative Identity Disorder (most know this as Multiple Personality Disorder) is more rare and complicated than most understand. The triggers and mutli-levels of abuse, trauma, fear, anger, mistrust, etc - I imagine for a counselor it is as if most people are like juggling softballs - you can handle with practice. I feel like DID is more like backing up a dumptruck and spilling a whole load on the her poor head and laughing as you say "sift through that". But Lynn has done it. It has taken dedication and time - but she has helped manage the 'symptoms' and responses, given tools and homework to use outside of sessions and help living in society as a functional person a possibility. In fact, going back to school is now an achievable goal. We would have been in jail, dead, or permanently in a hospital if it weren't for her compassion, skills, and guidance. --Jacinda Elet (April 25, 2014)
Dealing with Disassociative Identity Disorder (most know this as Multiple Personality Disorder) is more rare and complicated than most understand. The triggers and mutli-levels of abuse, trauma, fear, anger, mistrust, etc - I imagine for a counselor it is as if most people are like juggling softballs - you can handle with practice. I feel like DID is more like backing up a dumptruck and spilling a whole load on the her poor head and laughing as you say "sift through that". But Lynn has done it. It has taken dedication and time - but she has helped manage the 'symptoms' and responses, given tools and homework to use outside of sessions and help living in society as a functional person a possibility. In fact, going back to school is now an achievable goal. We would have been in jail, dead, or permanently in a hospital if it weren't for her compassion, skills, and guidance. --Jacinda Elet (April 25, 2014)
I went to Lynn eleven years ago because I was grieving the loss of our oldest
son due to an estrangement. Her ability to help me work through the pain,
denial, and blame led me to find peace with myself and the situation. Since then
we have been gratefully reunited. The tools Lynn gave to me continue to support
and encourage.
--Lonna Grabenstein (August 19, 2013)
son due to an estrangement. Her ability to help me work through the pain,
denial, and blame led me to find peace with myself and the situation. Since then
we have been gratefully reunited. The tools Lynn gave to me continue to support
and encourage.
--Lonna Grabenstein (August 19, 2013)